Alexander Millar - From Dusk Til Dawn
Alexander Millar - From Dusk Til Dawn - This serves as my memory of being a child and watching my father either going to work or coming
home after a hard days graft. What I remember was not only my dad’s stance but also how the light would glow often
teamed with the sound of starlings coming in to roost for the night. It became like an anthem for a passing era. One
lone railway line cut through the village that linked Irvine with Kilmarnock and then on to Glasgow, which passed a few
coal mines along the way. This line became quite eventful in my life as a wee boy of 5 years old as I was involved in a
train crash as my father and I travelled to Glasgow to visit my Grandmother, an event that would have a knock on effect
on my fathers’ life in later years and ultimately mine too. But that’s another story.
Canvas On Board
Image: 18" x 24"